きらきら星変奏曲 (モーツァルト) 哀愁を感じる第8変奏、第9変奏 #クラシック #ピアノ#shorts #ピアニスト 近藤由貴/Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star(Mozart)


2023年2月25日 10:40
2023年2月25日 14:16   いいね2件   返信0件
2023年2月26日 14:49   いいね1件   返信0件
2023年2月26日 12:04   いいね1件   返信0件
  Dessert Kissmeralda
Mako is the owner of the 0000 equation
equation does not exist
All the girls have reached that equation with me
That's not the whole point
Far from being a fatal thing
There is no boundary behind it
Yes, there is nothing
the origin of things
The equation is over forever
The moment the eye opened for the first time
You want to understand more
If Mako is the owner of this superiority, status or law
Yes, that is the source of everything
It was discovered by two scientists from Persia before
Both said explicitly
Who can decipher that code
He will create the original, true, first, last, and best utopia
This is the utopia everyone is looking for
You want to understand more
You broke the mako rule
Do you realize this
Do you realize what this means
We both represent our person to the other
If they say the human is just names or titles
That's why some go to that the first paradise is the mind of Adam
They have nothing else but this
I speak scientifically
I do not speak in riddles and superstitions
If they was say Lord is the Word
The meaning of the Lord is the hand of God
The real problem is not between Satan and God
The real problem is an idea
between lords
They say here
The concept or term of Lord
is endless words
This is the actual quintessential meaning of the word
metaphorical meaning here
means one word
Do you understand the meaning of that
The figurative meaning is reality
The essential meaning is numbers
Both of them switch roles
To make 0000÷0000
on to the rest of the equation
The ninth number is the cover, mark it
Something like the origin of things
Do not be afraid
Mako is the owner of the 0000 equation
And you broke that equation
I think you know a little bit about that meaning
All women broke
You have become all cravings, love and desires
Something like the superhuman
And you took me forever
And the same with you
You and I are all relationships
Just to be next to each other
Self-completion occurs in all of our beings, you and me
You are the owner of this equation
You know the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
their secret
the moment of their death
You and I get away, always living that moment
To infinity
That's why I gave you the biggest love story in history
Between two men of clergy or perhaps men of art
The most famous men of art
They made the glory of the Turks on the occasion of this
I don't want you to understand something
Love transcends the boundaries of the body
Yes yuki
That's why they hate love in China and communism
This is why they trade in love for democracy and America
It is always better to choose the love trade
And leave the game of luck in the pure hearts
That is the philosophy of chaos
2023年2月26日 07:19   いいね1件   返信1件
近藤由紀さんはモーツァルトの音楽を好きなのかな?そこが知りたい.. プロフェッショナルの演奏家は、だいたい ベートーベンかショパン、ラフマニノフ、ドビュッシー、ラベル..そして バッハ.チャイコフスキー.ブラームス ..etc となることが多いですよね〜💦苦手

モーツァルト以外なら ハイドン ウェーバー メンデルスゾーンまで
. . リスト シューマンが何曲か😐

2023年2月26日 04:29   いいね1件   返信0件
2023年2月26日 04:35   いいね1件   返信0件
モーツァルトはピアノ・ソナタ第11番「トルコ行進曲付」の第一楽章でも主題と変奏を採用しているが、モーツァルトの変奏曲はホントにスゴい!🎹 やはり天才作曲家だったのを改めて認識しました。🎵
2023年2月25日 21:40   いいね1件   返信0件
「きらきら星」は18世紀末のフランスで流行したシャンソン"Ah! Vous dirais-je, Maman"なんだそうで。こちらは私たちがなじんでいる曲と同じだそうです。モーツァルト作曲は「きらきら星変奏曲」。モーツァルトは非凡ですね。シンプルな「きらきら星」の変奏を繰り返すなんて。由貴さんの素敵な演奏でますます「きらきら星変奏曲」に興味を持ち聴き入ってしまいます。
2023年2月25日 14:57   いいね1件   返信0件