2023年12月22日 01:00
2023年12月22日 07:50 いいね1件 返信0件
mizuki is a terror on the lanes! How old is she? 20? She could handle the PBA definitely! Good steady bowling! How old is Aki? Her bowling style is from the 60s! Today she bowled about the 15 & 20 board areas, but her line has always been a tight line bowler! Walk to the 15 dot & throw on the 15 board. Times have changed & she must change too! She does have a very strong hitting ball! Aloha
2023年12月22日 02:39 いいね1件 返信4件
Mizuki Nakashima is 19 years old.
2023年12月22日 03:40 いいね0件
The PBA ladies in the states are a bad influence. They got no repect for the game, fan's or each other. There rarely in a skirt and so in need of grooming. When they get there card they lose any smile they once had. The Ladies in the JPBA are so much more enjoyable to look at and watch there skills. Want to look at PB don't look statesside.
2023年12月22日 10:37 いいね0件
I believe Aki is about 45-47 years old. I don't think her bowling style is the reason why she lost. I think jakethehud said it best. She should've taken a few seconds to regroup after certain shots or big moments. Aki and Himeji are my favorite JPBA female bowlers!
2023年12月26日 18:53 いいね0件
@@rr2418 did you notice how she takes her steps? Most bowlers today inside out there swing. They line up with there target dot or arrow, walk straight or drift & throw couple boards to the right. Example, Aki stands by the 15 board then walks to the 10 board, then throws to the 10 board arrow! Very easy to pull the ball! Haven't seen that style since I started bowling in the 80s. Its only my opinion! Aloha
2023年12月27日 01:07 いいね0件
posted too late
2023年12月22日 01:32 いいね1件 返信0件
Cada vez me gusta mas el juego de Aki; se le ve mas madura, concentrada y segura, vencer a Ayaka y Urara no es fácil y aun mas; con cierto grado de facilidad !!
2024年1月20日 06:11 いいね0件 返信0件
2024年1月17日 16:09 いいね0件 返信0件
2024年1月11日 06:53 いいね0件 返信0件
Bowling brings the world together.
2024年1月11日 02:01 いいね0件 返信0件
2024年1月8日 22:23 いいね0件 返信0件
2024年1月3日 18:28 いいね0件 返信0件
수준이 한코크보다 많이 떨어진다데스~;;;
2023年12月23日 07:01 いいね0件 返信0件

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